Saturday, March 11, 2006


A Walk On the Non-Wild Side

Hooker Update:

Nothing to report. I still haven't had time to dedicate a chunk of time to cruising the streets
looking for "Ladies-of-the-Night", but the question is burning inside of me, and I need an answer. Results WILL be forthcomming.

Super-Happy-Fun Week:

Well, the week is over, and although my efforts started to diminish towards the end, I feel that the week was, overall, a success. Through moments of depressed feelings which were quickly overcome, I remained positive throughout the week and feel that the positive results of the previous week were built upon. Don't worry, though, as Super-Happy-Fun Week will continue on in spirit, and, perhaps, be revisited in the future.

The Day:

Although the day is still young it has already presented me with 'food for thought'. I went to bed early last night, as I've recently joined a gym (It's pretty much across the street from my apartment, takes me about 20 seconds door-to-door, so how could I not join?), and after an intense workout I was feeling achy and tired.

Woke up this morning feeling refreshed, but still a little achy, especially in the small of my back. I decided to go for a walk, loosen up my muscles and explore areas a little south of my apartment.

Man, it was/is a beautiful day - the type of day that only Oregon can produce. Tufts of cloud spotting the turqoise sky, while the sun performed with brilliant reserve, allowing the day to remain cool while illuminating the environs to maximum potential. The air was chill - perfect - and tingled the skin with a slight tickle, letting you know that you are nothing but alive.

As I've mentioned elsewhere, I love the scenery here. When Whoeveritwas that made this part of the world planned it, they must have been ON that day.

"Hey, Whoeveritwas, how's the NorthWest coming?"

"Awsome! I've just invented 'mountains', and I'm about to throw in some rivers. I think I'm going to go with conifers here, since the idiots out East have focused on deciduous trees. Fools!"

"Don't forget about Bigfoot. You know this is where the Almighty wants him."

"Right, right, no problem. There will be plenty of room for him to roam and stay away from the unbelievers."

I live towards the south end of town, an area that tends to be hilly - more so than other parts of the valley. Walking up a few of these hills presented me with new vistas to admire - and man, was it beautiful! I had planned for it to be a relatively quick walk - maybe 15 minutes - but I ended up being out for a little over an hour.

Days like this make me think that I am 'home'. Geographically and environmentally this is the type of area that I've always longed to live in; rugged and beautiful - challenging and dynamic. I could spend my life just walking around, viewing and witnessing the beauty surrounding me.

Most of my favorite authours - Ursula LeGuin, Douglas Coupland, Raymond Carver to name a few- hail from the NW.

Days like today make me question why I would want to move elsewhere. This is both comforting, and terribly unsettling.

Again, CF, I can relate to this, particularly your last statement of this post. I am not from the town I live in - I moved here to be near the ex's family. He has since moved away and I have no relationship with these people. I struggle with the town I live in. It is a beautiful place, really, lots of rivers and lakes and hills - where I am from originally is very flat. I have friends and loved ones here...why do I want to move? Because it does not feel like mine yet. I chose it for someone else, for reasons nolonger viable. Maybe we need to rechoose our towns?
It's a tough choice. Should I give this up just because of circumstances? I"m sure there are many places I would enjoy living, quite possibly more-so than here even, but it's a difficult decision....good questions.
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