Friday, March 17, 2006


Owwey, Owwww, Ow, Ow...

Well, my string of posting daily came to a crashing end this week, but I have a good excuse - pain.

I did something horrible and, quite probably, stupid to my knee, and it's still not right. I think I mentioned previously that I recently joined a gym, and have been feeling good about the exercise. Well, this Tuesday, after work, I worked on my lower body, and then went for a quick run afterwards, before hooking up with some friends for a couple of beers. After showering, dressing, and heading for my Jeep, my leg started to throb.

"Something's wrong!" I thought. Alas, I'm a guy, and something being wrong wasn't going to stop me from meeting up with people for beer. So I strode boldly to my vehicle, and made my way to the drinking hole.

A couple of hours later ( dont' worry, I only had 2 beers) I stood up and realized, "Something's very wrong!!!"

Standing at the bar to pay my tab I almost passed out.

By the time I 'walked' the 50 yards through the bar, and through the parking lot to my car (trying to act like nothing was wrong so nobody would look at me funny), I was in excruciating pain. I managed to open the door and somehow maneuvered myself into the drivers seat before actually passing out.

It went something like this:

***Fuuuzzzzzz*****(thoughtpopsintomyhead) Im feeling nautious********(streamoffuzzytvstatic)Imfeelingdizzy*****fuuuuuzuzuzuzuzuz*****thoughts aboutbeerandwomenpassthroughmymind******bzzzzzz*****OHI'MGOINGTOPASSOUT......

I dont' know how long I was out for, all I knew was that I was still in a lot of pain when I came to.

I was still pretty out of it, but the only thought, other than how much pain I was in, was to get myself back home so I could pop one of my Percacets (sp?). It's actually oxy-contin, but why split hairs? Sure, I could have called a friend, or a taxi or something, but no, I'm man, I was in pain, and the only thing that I wanted to do was go home and collapse into bed. (It was about 6pm at this time).

I drove home with the window open. I took it slow. I was sweating from the pain.

I managed to crawl into my apartment. I gathered everything that I would need for the next 48 hours; phone, books, cd's, drugs, bottle of water, a box of Nature Valley Peanut Butter Oat Bars and my favorite hockey skate. I piled food into the cats dishes, made sure they had water. I went to the bathroom and made sure I was fully relieved. I slithered my way into bed, called work letting them know there was no way in hell that I would be in the next day (I actually used the words 'I fucked up my knee').

The drugs didn't help much, I was still in excrutiating pain. I tried to find a position that would allow me some relief, but no matter how I lay the pain was intense. I was - and yes, even though I'm a man, I will admit this - almost in tears at several points during the night.

Luckily I managed to get a few hours of fitful sleep, and felt a little better the next morning. I also managed to - and yes I admit this even though I am a man - get a few chapters of 'The Red Tent' under my belt. It's a pretty good book so far, I just hope somethign exciting happens soon - not that childbirth isn't exciting, I just want a raid by bandits or a roving band of mercinaries to tear through the neighbourhood or something.

My knee still isn't right, I can walk and move, but I move very slowly. It still hurts at night laying in bed, and it's hard to find a position that allows relief.

I've decided not to do any leg exercises for a little while.

Ah, C.F., I know we don't really know each other...but once a mother, always a mother...ARE YOU GOING TO HAVE SOMEONE LOOK AT IT???

Seems to me anytime something hurts THAT bad maybe a professional should be brought into the arena...just a thought...

oh my god! maybe you tore know, like your acl? i'm not a mother, and compassion/empathy is not what I'm all about, but it could be that you need to get it checked out. I genuinely hope it feels better soon, but your manly pain denial is very attractive.

Have a good one!

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