Saturday, December 17, 2005



I'm having some rather strange and random urges in my quest to figure out what the hell i'm going to do with my life now. One thing that's been arising, and I have a sneaky and unfortunate suspicion about why, is moving to NYC.

I've never been particularly interested in NYC other than the simple fact that there are many stories, news and cultural attachments. I used to visit NYC 'back in the day', and enjoyed it, but it was a place that I was actually pretty adamant about not wanting to move to.

NYC is where the EX and I met, many years ago; I went for a long weekend trip, and she was going to college on Staten Island. We connected, kept in touch, visited each other in our respective places while we each finished school, and then decided to move in together. Her parents offered us jobs in their bussiness in Sacramento, CA, and so began my journey of living in the U.S.

My unfortunate suspicion as to why I have this slight urge to move to NYC, I believe, may have something to do with this history. The City was where the EX and I met. I have some very good memories of my times there; plays, the Staten Island Ferry, museums, Central Park etc, all the fun things we did together during our courtship. I wonder if that's playing with my subconscious, making me think along the lines of: NYC is a good place, you meet beautiful women there and have good times...go'll meet somebody else...

This bothers me. For one, I'm not looking for somebody else right now. I need a big chunk of time dedicated just to me, and then we'll see. But by the time I move east I'm sure my opinion will be different, though.

NYC is also attractive in the sense of what a story it would be. I don't envision myself living there for long - one or two years - but I think it would be a great experience, maybe build some character or something.

NYC is good, but Chicago has to be better. I have never been there, but I can't imagine that it is better. Besides, we just got our cta bus seats widened 1/2 inch! Beat that, NYC...
Are you insinuating that I have a big butt, therefor necessitating widened seats? Although, there is a hockey team in Chicago. And it's cold. All good things.
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